For connecting more than half a billion people and mapping the social relations among them, for creating a new system of exchanging information and for changing how we live our lives, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is TIME's 2010 Person of the Year. Congratulations! What an inspiring man and story!
Herzlich Willkommen
So...Enjoy your LIFE...
I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.
Search Me Here!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Temple Grandin
Spending my Christmas's holiday with go around the city and watching this movie, it started when I read Josh Groban status on his Facebook, which imply that he recommend to watch this movie, Temple Grandin. I was curious what of kind movie it is then I started to looking for and I found it, I also read Temple Grandin's biography and it's really inspiring. She is an amazing individual that beat the odds. Dr. Temple Grandin, animal scientist, author, and autism self-advocate, has been included in the 2010 Time 100: Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People Autism, people who most affect our world. What an inspiring story! Geezzzz, I have teary eyes and goosebumps. Thank you HBO for playing this movie, so far it wins 7 Emmy Awards, WOW well this movie deserved it.
Staring Claire Danes, Julia Ormond, Catherine O'Hara and David Strathairn, Temple Grandin paints a picture of a young woman's perseverance and determination while struggling with the isolating challenges of autism at the time when it was still quite unknown. The film chronicles Temple's early diagnosis; her turbulent growth and development during her school years; the enduring support she received from her mother (Ormond), aunt (O'Hara) and her science teacher (Strathairn); and her emergence as a woman with an innate sensitivity and understanding of animal behavior.
Undaunted by education, social and professional roadblocks, Grandin turned her unique talent into a behavioral tool that revolutionized the cattle industry and laid the groundwork for her successful career as an author, lecturer and pioneering advocate for autism and autism spectrum disorder education.
This visually inventive film offers insights into Grandin's world, taking the audience inside her mind with a series of snapshot images that trace her self-perceptions and journey from childhood through young adulthood to the beginning of her career, and beyond.
Directed by Mick Jackson, with a screenplay by Christopher Monger and William Merritt Johnson, Temple Grandin is based upon the books 'Emergence' by Temple Grandin and Margaret Scariano and 'Thinking in Pictures' by Temple Grandin. The HBO Films presentation is executive produced by Emily Gerson Saines, Gil Bellows, Anthony Edwards and Dante Di Loreto, Paul Lister, Alison Owen; Scott Ferguson produces.
Great job for Claire Danes, playing her role as Temple Grandin and it's very good appearance, extraordinary talent. This movie teach me that God working in his incredible way, use our weakness/odds to show us there's nothing impossible with him. To God to be glory!
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Just watching this movie last Wednesday with my friend, Victor. In my opinion, nothing special about the movie story but I really like and enjoy the movie visual effect, it's cool especially when Sam fight against his enemy, it's good visual. The movie story about Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), 27 years old, haunted by the causes of the loss of his father, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), a mysterious man known as the designer of the world's leading video game. When Sam finds a strange signal being sent from the game's dingdong Flynn, he went into a world where Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. In 2107, with the help Quorra (Olivia Wilde), Sam and Kevin started the journey of life and death through-visual digital universe created by Kevin stunning, with vehicles and weapons that have never been created, and ruthless criminals who tried to prevent them to run themselves from the world.
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Monday, December 20, 2010
Why Should Santa Get All the Attention?
As I read this article from YMIBlogging and watching the music video, I'm in the line with tears in my eyes. Thanks for the reminder that Jesus is the reason we celebrate CHRISTmas!! We should reflect the true meaning of Christmas, why Jesus should be born into the world? Because of YOU, because of His unconditional love, yes We are the reason! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Read this article below! Written by Tracy Phua, 23, Singapore.
As I walked into a mall one evening, I noticed a sign that signaled the arrival of a Christmas tradition loved by both kids and shopping malls alike. The signage announced that good ol’ jolly Santa Claus is coming to town and to this particular mall! It got me thinking about my own childhood, and how much I used to enjoy Christmas because it allowed me to ask Santa for whatever presents I wanted. As time went by, so did my fascination with Santa. I came to know who the true Giver at Christmas was.
The custom of giving presents at Christmas stems from the account of the wise men bringing gifts to baby Jesus, namely: frankincense, gold and myrrh—gifts usually awarded to kings! And not surprisingly, they were given to Jesus Christ, the King of kings.
As the Magi presented the lavish gifts, an even more precious gift was given to us during that fateful event—the birth of Immanuel. The words of Isaiah 7:14 foretold this, saying, “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a Son and will call Him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).” This miracle came to pass and was recorded for us in Matthew 1:23. Therefore, we celebrate.
Amidst the shopping and eating this festive season, let us not miss seeing Jesus as a song by Becky Kelly aptly asks: “Where’s the line to see Jesus? Is He here at the store? If Christmas time is His birthday why don’t we see Him more?”
Song and Lyrics by Steve Haupt & Chris Loesch
Christmas time was approaching
Snow was starting to fall
Shoppers choosing their presents
People filling the mall
Children waiting for Santa
With excitement and glee
A little boy tugged my sweater
Looked up and asked me
Where's the line to see Jesus?
Is He here at the store?
If Christmas time is His birthday
Why don't we see Him more?
As I stood in amazement
At this message profound
I looked down to thank him
He was no where around
The little boy at the mall
Might as well have had wings
As the tears filled my eyes
Thought I heard him sing
Where's the line to see Jesus?
Is He here at the store?
If Christmas time is His birthday
Why don't we see Him more?
Where's the line to see Jesus?
He was born for me
Santa Claus brought me presents
But Christ gave His life for me
In the blink of an eye
At the sound of His trump
We'll all stand in line at His throne
Every knee shall bow down
Every tongue will confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
(Repeat Chorus)
Where's the line?
Where's the line?
Where's the line for the Lord?
Thanks God
Friday, December 17, 2010
Untung Ada Sepak Bola
I've goosebumps and teary eyes when I read this article "Untung Ada Sepak Bola" from Kompas. It's so true, thank you Football because giving oasis for this country while facing various kinds of crisis especially our politic system, our government, tax mafia, disasters, etc. Hope our team can do their best to serve this country. Go Timnas Go, for our beloved country, INDONESIA!
Puluhan ribu suporter Tim Nasional Indonesia saat beranjak pulang seusai menonton pertandingan putaran pertama semifinal Piala AFF 2010 antara Indonesia melawan Filipina di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (16/12/2010). Indonesia berhasil mengalahkan Filipina berkat gol semata wayang Christian Gonzales pada menit ke-32 babak pertama.
"Sepak bola bermanfaat bagi terapi membangkitkan kembali semangat nasionalisme"
Syukurlah ada sepak bola. Sepak bolalah yang menjadi penyelamat sekaligus penyemangat, penghiburan sekaligus pengharapan. Sepak bola memberikan hiburan kepada kita yang akhir-akhir ini dibelit berbagai persoalan. Persoalan politik yang penuh intrik dan ruwet, bencana yang silih berganti, korupsi yang tiada habis-habisnya, harga-harga kebutuhan pokok yang tak terkendali terus naik, akrobat dan drama politik yang memperbodoh kita, perang pernyataan yang tidak bijaksana, dan masih banyak lagi yang membuat kita semua terbelenggu dan kelu. Karena itu, hanya harapan yang pantas diungkapkan kali ini: semoga hiburan itu, sepak bola, dapat sejenak mengistirahatkan kita dari segala kepenatan dan beban hidup yang akhir-akhir ini banyak kita derita, dan lelah. Kita, rakyat, memang lelah. Ibarat orang jalan, kita semua sudah jalan begitu jauh, di jalan yang rusak dan naik turun, tanpa sekali pun istirahat untuk minum. Karena itu, butuh sesuatu yang menyegarkan. Butuh sesuatu yang menyegarkan seperti yang diinginkan ribuan penonton sepak bola yang rela berpanas-panas selama berjam-jam untuk mendapatkan tiket menonton pertandingan antara Indonesia dan Filipina. Dalam sejarah, ”Indonesia” pernah tampil di Piala Dunia 1938 (Perancis), atas nama Dutch East Indies (Hindia Belanda). Timnas waktu itu ditaklukkan Hongaria, 0-6. Dengan sistem gugur, mereka angkat koper. Namun, kita tetap boleh bangga, timnas dikalahkan tim yang menjadi runner-up! Kini kita menunggu prestasi PSSI. Melihat begitu antusiasnya masyarakat memberikan dukungan kepada kesebelasan kita, ini membuktikan bahwa sepak bola bermanfaat bagi terapi membangkitkan kembali semangat nasionalisme. Sementara itu, para pemain bersemangat untuk mempersembahkan kemenangan bagi negara. Tentu ini berkaitan dengan identitas negara dan nasionalisme. Kita juga berharap mampu membangun sikap nasionalisme di bidang ekonomi, politik, pertahanan keamanan, serta pendidikan, dan bidang-bidang lain. Kemenangan di babak semifinal ini memberikan optimisme. Tidak lebih tidak kurang, kita ingin menang. Optimistis, tetapi kita juga harus realistis, yakni menggantungkan dan meletakkan cita-cita setinggi langit, tetapi tetap sadar akan keterbatasan, akan kekurangan dalam tubuh PSSI, dalam sistem kompetisi kita. Pendek kata dalam tubuh dunia persepakbolaan kita. Di atas segalanya, sepak bola adalah hiburan dan kegembiraan. Marilah sesaat kita melupakan keruwetan hidup. Akan tetapi, jangan sampai karena sepak bola, kita terlena dari persoalan fundamental yang menjadi beban bangsa dan negara ini: beban rakyat. Meskipun, secara jujur harus kita akui, kita saat ini membutuhkan katakanlah semacam oase yang menyegarkan.
Editor: Heru Margianto
Save Our Nation and Earth
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Acceptable Apology
I've read this article yesterday from Our Daily Journey, written by Jennifer Benson Schuldt and it's touching me, so I copied to my blog, hope you enjoy too and we learn together...
READ: Genesis 50:1-21
We, the servants of the God of your father, beg you to forgive our sin (v.17)
After fighting with his wife, one man in Saudi Arabia decided to apologize. Unfortunately, his wife had already moved back in with her parents. So he created a banner with his plea for forgiveness printed on it, hung it near his in-laws’ house, and commented, “I hope she will accept my apology and come back home.”
There are lots of ways to say I’m sorry—banners, greeting cards, Web sites, public speeches, or just a simple hand-on-the-shoulder discussion next to the refrigerator. No matter how we express the idea, an acceptable apology should cover some basic points.
First, it’s important to name the offense. Years after Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave, they sent him this message: “Please forgive your brothers for . . . their sin in treating you so cruelly” (Genesis 50:17). Although they didn’t go into the details of the sale, they did address the heart of the matter, which was their cruelty.
Second, once they established the issue, the brothers focused exclusively on their own wrongdoing. They didn’t remind Joseph of his bratty behavior and superiority complex back when they were growing up. Like the brothers, we should not try to justify our offense by pinning blame on the other person.
Third, sometimes an apology includes taking action to make things right. Joseph’s brothers bowed before him, proclaiming, “Look! We are your slaves!” (Genesis 50:18). This fulfilled a prophetic dream of Joseph’s in which he would reign over his family members (Genesis 37:5-8). The whole situation had come full circle and his siblings’ repentant action was a final act of restitution.
The Bible urges us to “work at living in peace with everyone” (Hebrews 12:14). Sometimes this means giving an acceptable apology—identifying and owning up to our fault and then doing what it takes to made amends for our offense.
NEXT : What should you do if someone refuses to forgive you? How has forgiveness changed your life?
Joseph is my role model, he's one of my favorite bible figure, I love him and his character, I love to read his history in bible, a man with integrity, pure man, a dreamer, full of compassion, fear of God, etc. Learn from Joseph's brothers, it’s never easy to apologize, isn't? especially if you have to be the first one to say “I’m sorry”, but they did it and the rewards are great, Joseph forgive them because he knows that everything in God's plan to send him to Egypt to save human life, to save God's children. So, let’s all learn to forgive each other as we have been forgiven. And that all begins with sincere heartfelt apologies. Speak now!
"Amazing Love"
by Hillsong United
I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, you were condemned
I'm alive and well, you're spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again
I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, you were condemned
I'm alive and well, you're spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again
Amazing love, how can it be
That you my king would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
It's my joy to honor you
Amazing love, how can it be
That you My king would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
It's my joy to honor you
In all I do I honor you
I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, you were condemned
I'm alive and well, you're spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again
Job - Science - Technology,
Thanks God
Monday, November 29, 2010
Zondervan NIV Study Bible
In my latest trip to Bandung, November 27 to take care of some important documents at my campus Maranatha, somehow God reminds me to buy the Zondervan NIV Study Bible that I had long dreamed of, hhmmmm God works in unexpected moments :), so I promise and decided to buy that day. After completing several requirement on campus, I met my friend/my beloved sister Imel then we went to some places to buy some Bandung's gift and went to Visi bookstore in IP, finally I bought this book. I believe not a coincidence that God reminds me to buy this book, so hopefully I learn much about God's word.
Lord, please teach me to obey and learn more and more about You so I'm getting to be like you.
Thanks God
Monday, November 22, 2010
Don't know why this song always come out from my mind, Dare You To Move by Switchfoot, it's become one of A Walk To Remember original soundtrack, it was 2002 movie, one of my favorite movie. I've dreamed two times that he wants to say something like an apologize or tell about a truth but he can't, don't know why and I don't even know where he is. So I dare you to move! Just say something, speak now before it's too late. I think you deserve to look back on your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying ‘I could’ve, but it’s too late now.’ I love this song, you should hear it!
"Dare You To Move"
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before
Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before
*To a man out there, you should've known
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Hidden Away
Just watching his video today in MetroTV and I like it, awesome as usual...Josh Groban one of awesomely incredibly talented artist in the world.
Over mountains and sky blue seas
On great circles will you watch for me?
The sweetest feeling I’ve got inside
I just can’t wait to get lost in your eyes
And all these words that you meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please don’t keep them hidden away
Sing it out so I can finally breathe in,
I can take in all the same
Holding out for something i believe in
All I really need today
I want to free your heart
I want to see your heart
Please don’t keep your heart hidden away
You’re a wonder, how bright you shine
A flickering candle in a short lifetime
A secret dreamer that never shows
If no one sees you then nobody knows
And all these words you were meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please don't keep them hidden away
Sing it out so I can finally breathe in
I can take in all the same
Reaching out for someone I believe in
All I really need today
I want to feel your love
Will you reveal your love
Please don’t keep your love hidden away
I want to free your heart
I want to see your heart
Please don’t keep your heart hidden away
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
American Music Awards 2010
And the award goes to...
Favourite Male Artist, Pop or Rock: Justin Bieber
Favourite Female Artist, Pop or Rock: Lady Gaga
Favourite Band, Duo or Group, Pop or Rock: The Black Eyed Peas
Favourite Album, Pop or Rock: Justin Bieber, (My World 2.0)
Favourite Male Artist, Country: Brad Paisley
Favourite Female Artist, Country: Taylor Swift
Favourite Band, Duo or Group, Country: Lady Antebellum
Favourite Album, Country: Carrie Underwood, (Play On)
Favourite Male Artist, Rap/Hip-Hop: Eminem
Favourite Album, Rap/Hip-Hop: Eminem, (Recovery)
Favourite Male Artist, Soul/R&B: Usher
Favourite Female Artist, Soul/R&B: Rihanna
Favourite Album, Soul/R&B: Usher, (Raymond v. Raymond)
Favourite Album, Soundtracks: Glee (The Music, Volume 3 Showstoppers)
Favourite Artist, Alternative Rock Music: Muse
Favourite Artist, Adult Contemporary Music: Michael Buble
Favourite Artist, Latin Music: Shakira
Favourite Artist, Contemporary Inspirational: MercyMe
Artist of the Year: Justin Bieber
Breakthrough Artist: Justin Bieber
It's good to see that Taylor Swift won the category of Favourite Female Artist, Country :)
I love her performance with piano, you rock!
It's good to see too that one of our best artist from Indonesia, Agnes Monica become one of red carpet co host in this show, you rock Agnes! Keep the good work! Bring the world proud of Indonesia!
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Friday, November 19, 2010
I still can't believe it, I got crash! I pressed brake already to avoid the public transportation which cross my route, the road is very slick then I fall beneath :( . Now I am hobbled because my hand, feet, hip are blister and pain :(( , thanks God I'm okay. What a day! Thank you to people who's help me stand up, I really appreciate it, may God bless you abundantly. Lesson of to today : be careful when you're around public transportation (angkot), they're crazy driver :(
Whatever - Just Want To Share
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Quote 1
From now on, I will write/copy a quote that inspired me from others and mine ^__* . I hope it's inspire you too so we can get positive energy in our life.
So here's the one which is just come out of my mind today since I got a lot of problems to be solved :)
"Problems are to be solved! And I believe in being part of solutions" - Erna M. Manna
Quote : Inspired Me
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
United States Secret Service
Jadi yach Obama ke Indonesia? Atau sudah berada di Indonesia? Entah kenapa saya tidak terlalu exciting dengan kedatangan Obama kali ini, saya rasa banyak juga merasakan hal yang sama, mungkin karena beliau sudah membatalkan 2 rencana kunjungan sebelumnya jadi kedatangannya kali ini tidak begitu heboh seperti sebelumnya apalagi bangsa ini sedang dihadapkan dengan kasus Wasior, Merapi & Mentawai. Saya tahu Obama pasti ke Indonesia dari twitternya Agnez Monica, sepertinya dia dijadwalkan ada kegiatan bersama Obama dan juga dari Justru yang menarik perhatian saya adalah Secret Service, saya penasaran bagaimana Secret Service beraksi mengamankan orang nomor 1 di Amerika Serikat bahkan dunia :) , mungkin saking seringnya nonton film dengan cerita-cerita yang ada Secret Service nya hehehe, saya jadi kagum dengan perkerjaan para Secret Service tersebut.
US Secret Service didirikan tahun 1865, awalnya tugasnya untuk melawan pemalsuan uang. Kemudian tanggung jawab satuan ini diperluas dengan tugas menjaga keamanan presiden, setelah pada tahun 1901, presiden McKinley terbunuh. Tugas pokok Special Agent atau Agen Khusus Secret Service adalah mengawal presiden dan wakilnya beserta keluarga mereka. Lalu mantan Presiden AS beserta pasangannya, seumur hidup. Kecuali jika pasangan presiden tersebut telah menikah lagi. Mereka juga berkewajiban mengawal anak mantan presiden hingga berusia 16 tahun. Selain itu, mereka juga bertugas mengawal pasangan capres dan cawapres bersama pasangannya selama kampanye 120 hari. Mereka juga bertugas mengamankan kunjungan presiden ke luar negeri atau ada tamu negara yang berkunjung ke AS. Dalam bertugas para agen ini berpakaian preman dan tidak mengenakan seragam. Dalam bekerja di lapangan, Special Agent selalu dibantu oleh Uniformed Division. Sesuai namanya, dalam melakukan aksi di lapangan, mereka selalu menggunakan seragam resmi. Divisi inilah yang bertugas menjaga Gedung Putih serta kediaman presiden dan wapres. Mereka dibagi menjadi beberapa tim. Tim pertama adalah kontra sniper. Mereka bertugas memberikan pengamanan dari jauh dan mencegah adanya ancaman penembak jitu. Lalu ada K-9 Unit, tim ini mendeteksi dan mencegah ancaman bahan peledak. Selanjutnya ada Emergency Response Team (ERT), mereka mencegah segala ancaman terhadap objek pengawalan. Terakhir ada Magnetometers, merekalah yang bertugas menyiapkan perangkat deteksi logam atau metal detektor di gedung putih, maupun di tempat kunjungan presiden. What a sacrificed!
Whatever - Just Want To Share
Monday, November 8, 2010
There's a quote said that true friendship never be separate by distance and time. For some people who feel and understand the meaning of friendship, of course they'll agree with that opinion because true friend in our life is a kind of relationship that never be the same with other relationship. I am so glad I've made time to see him (H3), my friend aka my bro :), it's been more than ten years I haven't met him yet since high school, woowww so long, but thanks God, he never change, still the same person whom I know, crazy as usually :D. Actually we've made plan to meet each other but always failed :( but not this time though. After make an arrangement we agree to meet at Indocomtech 2010 in Jakarta Convention Center on November 6 because he is working there for 5 days before he get back to Yogya. Standing at crowded area make me feel dizzy, so I stand in one place then start searching where he is, where his company booth is, do I still remember his face or not then taraaaaaaaaa, there he is, nothing change, still recognize him. We booth excited :D , we talk much about our parents, our friends, our family, even untold story while we're in high school, realize that how childish we are, etc remind everything, so funny, full of laughs but time flies, I've to go home. I always remember "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity" and "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother". Best wishes for you bro, give my regards to your wife and your daughter. Can't wait to see all of our friends in other chance. Friendship never ends!
Whatever - Just Want To Share
Friday, November 5, 2010
Speak Now
‘Speak now or forever hold your peace’, the words said by preachers at the end of wedding ceremonies all over the world, right before the vows. It’s a last chance for protest, a moment that makes everyone’s heart race, and a moment I've always been strangely fascinated by. So many fantasize about bursting into a church, saying what they’d kept inside for years like in the movies. In real life, it rarely happens. Real life is a funny thing, you know. In real life, saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial, in fact, that most of us start to hesitate, for fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But lately what I’ve begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything. I think most of us fear reaching the end of our life, and looking back regretting the moments we didn’t speak up. When we didn’t say ‘I love you’. When we should've said ‘I’m sorry’. When we didn't stand up for ourselves or someone who needed help. These songs are made up of words I didn’t say when the moment was right in front of me. These songs are open letters. Each is written with a specific person in mind, telling them what I meant to tell them in person. To the beautiful boy whose heart I broke in December. To my first love who I never thought would be my first heartbreak. To my band. To a mean man I used to be afraid of. To someone who made my world very dark for a while. To a girl who stole something of mine. To someone I forgive for what he said in front of the whole world.
Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone. What you say might be too much for some people. Maybe it will come out all wrong and you’ll stutter and you’ll walk away embarrassed, wincing as you play it all back in your head. But I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest. So say it to them. Or say it to yourself in the mirror. Say it in a letter you’ll never send or in a book millions might read someday. I think you deserve to look back on your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying ‘I could've, but it’s too late now’. There is a time for silence. There is a time waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel, and you so clearly know what you need to say, you’ll know it. I don’t think you should wait. I think you should speak now.
PS: To all the boys who inspired this album, you should’ve known. ;)
Picture and words are taken from Taylor Swift's album "Speak Now" which is I've been strangely fascinated by. I love the way she expressed her opinion, like I've said before she is a good story teller and she wrote it in her songs, when I listened to her songs is like I heard my story and probably a lot of girls out there too. When I read her album opening speech that words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together, I remember what bible said about tongue "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing" and "The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit". That's true, isn't? so we have to be careful what we saying about, because when we not use it for good we can hurt someone. But I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest. So say it to them. Of course ask for God's wisdom. There is a time for silence. There is a time waiting your turn. Because "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens" and "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end". So if you believe what you feel, you should do or speak now.
Whatever - Just Want To Share
Friday, October 22, 2010
I am lucky, like what I've said before that I'm surrounded by loving people. I got sms today from Luci, she is a companion of Immanuel Christian Student Fellowship in our campus (in the past was Electrical Engineering Christian Student Fellowship), the sms said that they have prayer community today which is focusing to pray for alumni and they're asking me what is my prayer topics so they can pray for me in their intercessory prayer. I am full of joy, thank you Jesus for giving me such a community who's still pray and care for me. What a blessed.
Thanks God
Friday, October 15, 2010
October 15
I got SMS, phone calls, hugs, kiss, FB walls still counting
and of course I believe many prays has been send to God in October 15. They're wishing the best for me. Amien

Here are some of FB comment, just make my day
Dessy : „Wilujeung nepang milad.. mugi-mugi kakabul sadaya pangharepan...“ ---> Hahaha, I'm not Sundanese but I understand it
Dwianto : „Met tambah tua....“ ---> Of course, getting older :p
Bagus : „Macam ada yg ULTAH na..Happy b'day...wish all your dream will come true. Ditunggu undangan lop..lop..nya ;-)“ ---> lop lop??? Hahaha come here I'll treat you with delicious food
Ary : „Konco..Slamat Hari Jadi..moga sehat & sukses slalu..GBU.“ ---> Konco??? hmmm long time not hear that word :)
Sri : „yeee...met utah...ya bu'e....“ ---> Bu'e??? Hahaha how old I am? :p still young honey :)
Eko : „Slamat Ulang Taun, Kak..“ ---> Kak??? hmmm wondering...who's older than me :p
Andi Umbu : „Slmt ulang tahun ibu, smg sll d berkati Tuhan dlm hidup n dlm pekerjaan. Kayakx su lama tdk mengudara ini. Ha4.....“ ---> Ibu??? Mengudara??? Wkwkwkw I'm still young though :p . We're not in radio, well I'm not online with FB for almost 2 months, missing me huh?! :p
Ina : „Asyyiiikkk....asssyyiiikkkk.... Bsk makan2 deh.. Slmt hari lahir kk ku syg..
Tambah sehat, tambah gemuk, tambah tinggi, tambah banyak duitnya, tambah pacar yg cakep dan baik hati, tambah banyak berkat dari Tuhan dan tambah2 yg lain deh. Umuaacchh.. Jbus“ ---> Tambah pacar yg cakep dan baik hati? Tambah??? Hahaha how come?
Bung Kenny : „Selamat ulang ton na..smoga panjang umur,cepat besar,cepat tinggi,sukses slalu..Gbu“ ---> Cepat besar, cepat tinggi??? wkwkwkwk it's genetic :p I've eat too much
Budi : „Na glory man utd salah hepi besdei na...“ ----> glory Man Utd??? amiennnnn wkwkwkkw
David Brachnak - KBS (via Skype) : "good morning erna. happy birthday and the best wishes from the cold germany" ---> hehehe cold? here is warm even hot, what a weather :)
and many more...........still counting though :)
Ooohh dear, I feel very lucky to be surrounded by family, friends and people who are very caring and full of love to me, thank you Lord Jesus. I love you!
Happy Birthday to me, another blessed age/year has gone by, welcome new blessed future, may full of Faith, Hope and Love 

Thanks God
Friday, October 1, 2010
Let Me Fall
It's OCTOBER! hmmmmm one more year's come and gone, nothing's changed at all? I'm not sure :) because there's something that you must change which is getting older hehehe .... anyway just find and listen to this song, singing by Bethany Joy Lenz in her performance on One Tree Hill, I love it.
Let Me Fall
by Bethany Joy Lenz
It's October again
Leaves are coming down
One more year's come and gone
And nothing's changed at all
Wasn't I supposed to be someone
Who can face the things that I've been running from...
Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I...
Cry a little
Die a little
At least I know I lived, just a little...
I've become much too good at being invincible
I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be
I refuse to let my life roll all over me...
Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I...
Cry a little
Die a little
At least I know I lived, just a little...
I wanna be somebody
I, I wanna be somebody
I wanna be somebody
I, I wanna be somebody who can face the things that I've been running from
Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I
Cry a little
Die a little
At least I know I lived...
It's October again
Leaves are coming down
One more year's come and gone
And nothing's changed at all
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Monday, September 27, 2010
I Love Taylor Swift ^__*
Damnnn...She is amazing, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with all of her songs! I love to watch all her performance in youtube, she is great though. I love the way she wrote her song, sing, play guitar, dance, wear dress and boot, etc. What a talent girl! My playlist always playing all of her songs since I knew her, and still not boring yet, her songs was like magic, hypnotized me. She makes me love country music more and more, She is one of people who I want to meet (watch her live performance) before I died. Just wait and patient to see her. So, Taylor would you please come to Indonesia?
Here are some of my favorite video of Taylor Swift, taken from youtube.
and many more..........
and this one...indicate that how nice she is. I am goosebumps, very inspirational, incredible. I wish I was there to CAPTURE IT, REMEMBER IT.
and this one...indicate that how nice she is. I am goosebumps, very inspirational, incredible. I wish I was there to CAPTURE IT, REMEMBER IT.
Thanks for make me FEARLESS, I LOVE Taylor Swift!
Whatever - Just Want To Share
Run To You
I just found this video from YMIBlogging and I think that's interesting, remind us that we belong to God, so I copy here for your reference, hope you enjoy it and Run To God only!
Have you ever felt like running away from pain, hurt, stress or disappointment? The desire to run away from difficult situations is not uncommon. Some people have turned to alcohol or drugs, and some have decided that an exciting affair is what they need for some relief from a hectic life. Others try to escape by going for retail therapy or a short getaway. But the aftermath of all these measures often leave us feeling high and dry. So, where or who can we run to?
Run To You
Performed by Shane Clements Band
Standing on the edge of broken and lonely
Feels like my fear has got a hold on me
I am looking for a way out
But my mind is full of doubt
I am sick and suffering
With these burdens that I carry
They’re like chains on my hands and feet
Will You surround my life and take them away from me?
I run to You
You set my heart on fire
You make my soul alive
And turn my darkness into light
I run to You
You fill me with Your breath
Hope for my brokenness
And You rescued me from death
I run to You, I run to You
Faith is hard to find
So many things it could hide behind
But now I’m standing at the cross
As tears roll down my face
I beg for Your forgiveness
And Your wonderful embrace
I see my broken reflection
I’m sick and tired of my obsessions
I see my broken reflection
I’m sick and tired of my obsessions
I run to You
You set my heart on fire
You make my soul alive
And turn my darkness into light
I run to You
You fill me with Your breath
Hope for my brokenness
And You rescued me from death
I run to You, I run to You
It is by grace we are saved
Because of Your love we’ve been redeemed
Through Your life and suffering
We’ve been set free
“Not everyone wants to run to God, but we hope you will.”
*Taken from YMIBlogging
Thanks God
Monday, September 13, 2010
September 13
It's been 7 years since my dad pass away in 2003, of course on September 13, that's why the title is September 13. When my dad pass away, it's feel like my life is over, I was angry, hurt, sad, etc. start asking God, "WHY?!". Now after what I've been through for the past 7 years, I couldn't start asking WHY anymore because God is too good beyond that I could ever imagine. I should gave thanks more and more because God has gave me such an amazing dad in my life and chance to live with my dad for almost 21 years. I remember that several month after my dad pass away, I and some friends, we were on college, visit our friend named HP during our concern as Christian fellowship. During our conversation, HP said that he was living with his step father since He was born, and was wonder how's his biological father looks like. I was speechless then my friend said to me in our way home that I should thank you to the Lord because I was living for almost 21 years with my dad, with full of love and care. Somehow, my friend named OT told me too that he was living in broken home family, and he thanks to the Lord that he was saved by Jesus Christ because gave him a chance to know about Salvation.
Recently, I was hang out with my friend named VP, during our conversation he said that his father and his mother were divorce for couple years ago. I was surprised too. I was flash back, try to remind every single unlucky story for most of my friends and news on the media, how could I always protest to God if He was giving me the best Daddy in the world? Even he wasn't in the world, not live with me anymore, God still gave me chance to see my dad in my dream, almost every night and he was happy in his new world. So I promise God that I wouldn't start asking WHY anymore, I want to learn to always understand what's God wants in my life
Thanks God
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Taylor Swift - Mine from Stephen Murray on Vimeo.
Aaaaaa, aaaaaa
You were in college working part time waitin’ tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin’
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts
Say, can you believe it?
As we’re lying on the couch
The moment, I can see it.
Yes, yes, I can see it now
Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Flash forward and we’re taking on the world together
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded
You say we’ll never make my parent’s mistakes
But we got bills to pay
We got nothing figured out
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes, I thought about
Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Oh, oh, oh
And I remember that fight
Two-thirty AM
Yes, everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye
‘cause that’s all I’ve ever known
And you took me by surprise
You said "I’ll never leave you alone"
You said I remember how we felt sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Do you believe it?
Going to make it now
I can see it
I can see it now
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
The Person Of The Bible
My first solitude in first day of September remind me that it requires an open heart as well as an inquiring mind to study the Bible. When we discover Jesus as the Person to whom the entire Bible points, we must then decide how to respond to Him. There is great joy for all who will open their hearts to Christ and find life in Him.
Salvation itself is a gift. Forgiveness and eternal life come to us only by grace and through faith in Christ (Eph. 2:8-9). But seeing God in the Bible requires a willingness to do the will of God. Only in surrender do we have assurance that God will let us see the truth about Christ in our present circumstances. Only in submission can we see the Father and His Son on every page of Scripture.
Thank you ODB to remind me. Lord, please teach me more and more.
Thanks God
My Stupid Boss Fans' Stories
Akhirnya selesai juga baca buku setebal ini, chefnya emang keren, Mbak Kereken eh Mbak Kerani emang Te O Pe lah :D. BTW, ceritanya ada yang garing ada yang lucu loh Mbak, g paling suka story no.73 hahaha keren banget, pengen deh ketemu bosnya Mbak Kerani wkwkwk, g Yakin, Pasti, Sure pengen ketemu bos ini, pengen g timpuk soalnya hahaha. Ga enak tapi ternyata ada yach bos-bos kayak gitu ck ck ck, jangan sampai g dapat bos kayak gitu hehehe. Tetaplah bekerja dengan bos mu itu Mbak, biar kami terhibur :D
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Just watch this movie and it's cool! All stars are rock! Act good as usual as their capability and I think this movie make them reunion as 'old fashion action actors' :), well done Stallone, great job!
THE EXPENDABLES is a hard-hitting action/thriller about a group of mercenaries hired to infiltrate a South American country and overthrow its ruthless dictator. Once the mission begins, the men realize things aren't quite as they appear, finding themselves caught in a dangerous web of deceit and betrayal. With their mission thwarted and an innocent life in danger, the men struggle with an even tougher challenge – one that threatens to destroy this band of brothers. Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) is a man with nothing to lose. Fearless and void of emotion, he is the leader, the sage and the strategist of this tight-knit band of men who live on the fringe. His only attachment is to his pickup truck, his seaplane and his team of loyal modern-day warriors. His is a true cynic who describes what he does as "removing those hard to get at stains." The team behind him is made up of Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), former SAS and a savant with anything that has a blade; Yin Yang (Jet Li), a master at close-quarter combat; Hale Caesar (Terry Crews), who has known Barney for ten years and is a long-barrel weapons specialist; Toll Road (Randy Couture), a skilled demolitions expert and considered the intellect of the group; and Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), a combat veteran and an expert in precision sniping who struggles with his own demons. When the mysterious Church offers Barney a job no one else would take, Barney and his team embark on what appears to be a routine mission: overthrow General Gaza (David Zayas), the murderous dictator of the small island country of Vilena and end the years of death and destruction inflicted on its people. On a reconnaissance mission to Vilena, Barney and Christmas meet their contact Sandra (Giselle Itie), a local freedom-fighter with a dark secret. They also come to learn who their true enemy is: rogue ex-CIA operative James Monroe (Eric Roberts) and his henchman Paine (Steve Austin). When things go terribly wrong, Barney and Christmas are forced to leave Sandra behind, essentially giving her a death sentence. Haunted by this failure, Barney convinces the team to return to Vilena to rescue the hostage and finish the job he started. And to perhaps save a soul: his own.
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Yesterday, we just celebrate Independence Day, do we really get our liberty? YES, from colonialism but NO, from poverty, obtuseness, anarchist organization, etc. So ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Happy Independence Day, have mercy on this country Lord, bless our government and citizen.
"This country, the Republic of Indonesia, does not belong to any group, nor to any religion, nor to any ethnic group, nor to any group with customs and traditions, but the property of all of us from Sabang to Merauke!" — Soekarno
Proud to be Indonesian!
Proud to be Indonesian!
Save Our Nation and Earth
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Zachary Levi Pugh's Quote
I've found this Zachary Levi's quote during his interview with Relevant Magazine, and it's impress me.
"My job on my set, I believe, is to first just love people and gain that trust with people where they know that I really do love them and care about their well-being, so that when they are running into problems, they will hopefully, at some point, come to me and ask me, 'What is your peace all about? What is your comfort all about? Where do you get your love? Where do you get your talents?' And I can turn to them and say without blinking, 'Jesus Christ'"
Whatever - Just Want To Share
You by the light
Is the greatest find
In a world full of wrong you're the thing that's right
Finally made it through the lonely to the other side
You said it again my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark,
And I'm in love and I'm terrified.
For the first time and the last time
In my only life.
This could be good
It's already better than last
And love is worse than knowing
You're holding back
I could be all that you needed
If you let me try
You said it again my hearts in motion
Every word feels like a shooting start
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time
in my only
I only said it cause i mean it
I only mean cause it's true
So don't you doubt what i've been dreaming
Cause it fills me up and holds me close
Whenever i'm without you
You said it again my hearts in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
I'm at the edge of my emotions
And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time
In my only life
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
SAP World Tour 2010
Akhirnya selesai juga nich event, walau cuma sehari tapi cukup membuat g sangat kelelahan. Jam 2 AM g terbangun dan sempat membaca sms dari teman kalau print poster dibatalin dengan alasan mesin rusak..arghhhhhh kenapa loe musti nyanggupin print poster kami kalau mesin loe rusak dan kabarinnya baru tengah malam?! Setelah itu g ga bisa tidur lagi, ngebayangin event tanpa poster dan apa kata bos?! G coba tidur tapi akhirnya ditelepon lagi sama teman ku sekitar jam 3 AM karena dia ga bisa hubungin teman satu lagi yang harus loading barang - barang jam 5 AM di Grant Hyatt. Akhirnya g call teman - teman satu per satu dan cuma satu yang di respon, sedikit lega karena akhirnya mereka bisa loading. Masih masalah print poster akhirnya ketemu solusi bisa print di Print Press yang buka 24jam tapi g ga punya filenya, dan tiba - tiba teringat g bisa login kompi teman, berangkatlah aku ke kantor jam 4.30 AM dan bisa ambil file poster yang akan diprint sehingga masalah poster pun teratasi, bisa di print dan diambil jam 6.45 AM. Kami berangkat ke Grant Hyatt jam 7 AM dan poster pun bisa terpasang dengan bagus. Setelah eventnya selesai g pulang ke rumah jam 9 PM dan langsung terlelap hingga besok paginya. What a day! Thank you Jesus, thank you team!
Job - Science - Technology
Thank You, Mr. Rustono
Hari Sabtu kemarin g ngalamin kejadian yang menurutku kejadian luar biasa, handphone Sony Ericson Experia X10 g hilang (ketinggalan) di taxi saat kami (bersama Kiki dan Wonce) dari Pancoran menuju Ambassador Mall. Setelah panik kurang lebih 30menitan, akhirnya dengan baik hatinya Pak sopir Blue Bird yang bernama Pak Rustono mengantarkan HP ku kembali, Terima kasih Pak Rustono, terima kasih Tuhan, terima kasih Kiki dan Wonce, Terima kasih Blue Bird. What a day!
Whatever - Just Want To Share
Sempat jadi trending topic selama beberapa minggu membuat g penasaran pengen nonton nich film, akhirnya setelah event SAP World Tour 2010 selesai, g ke bioskop juga untuk nonton nich film dan you know what?...#Inception..succesful make me sleep in cinema for the first time, supported with very cold air conditioner but still get the point :-)
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), seorang pencuri yang terampil dan terbaik, mencuri rahasia berharga dari pikiran bawah sadar yaitu mimpi. Cobb telah membuat kemampuan langkanya untuk menjadi pencuri bergensi di dunia tetapi juga membuatnya menjadi buronan internasional dan mengorbankan semua yang ia cintai. Saat ini Cobb ditawari dibebaskan dari tuduhan kriminal panjangnya. Tugas terakhir ini akan mengembalikan kehidupan normalnya hanya jika dia bisa melakukan hal yang mustahil. Alih-alih mencuri, dalam misi yang disebut Inception ini, Cobb diminta untuk menanamkan memori baru ke dalam alam bawah sadar targetnya. Namun tidak ada perencanaan dan keahlian yang cukup dari tim Cobb lainnya untuk menghadapi musuh berbahaya ini yang tampaknya mengantisipasi setiap gerakan mereka. Musuh yang hanya dapat dilihat oleh Cobb.
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sebenarnya g ga gitu tahu ini film apa tapi kok yach status - status di twitter banyak nulis mengenai Salt, setelah dilihat ternyata ada si Angelina Jolie, akhirnya pergilah g ke bioskop untuk nonton. Tadinya tidak direncanakan dan ngajak teman tapi ternyata teman g masih ada kerjaan, tertahan oleh bos jadilah g berangkat sendiri. And you know what? I like that movie, Jolie you're rock! So ini film kedua yang benar -benar g niatin nonton sendiri setelah Street Fighter : The Legend of Chun-Li (gara - gara nya yang main si Kristin Kreuk, pemeran Lana dalam Smallville series), dan g enjoy nonton sendiri juga karena bisa full of concentration :)
Jolie berperan sebagai Evelyn Salt, seorang agen CIA yang mencoba membuktikan bahwa dirinya benar atas tuduhan kepada dirinya sebagai pembelot dan bagian dari agen mata-mata Rusia. Kejadian bermula ketika Vassily Orlov seorang mata-mata yang tertangkap dan diinterogasi oleh Salt justru mengatakan bahwa Salt adalah seorang agen Rusia yang akan membunuh Presiden Rusia. Kejadian tersebut diikuti dengan bunyinya alat pendeteksi kebohongan bahwa Orlov berkata jujur. Spontan agen CIA yang hadir dan menyaksikan kejadian tersebut kaget. Salt yang panik pun langsung memutuskan untuk melarikan diri.
Serangan terjadi disepanjang jalan kota Bangkok. Mereka adalah prajurit dimana diantara mereka memiliki kelebihan yang luar biasa, dan semuanya ditugaskan untuk mengalahkan lawan. Saat ini mereka bersiap-siap untuk pertempuran puncak – terror melawan keindahan, cahaya melawan kegelapan, kebaikan melawan kejahatan. Prajurit kegelapan dipimpin oleh Bison (Neal McDonough), seorang penjahat dengan kekuatan terbatas dengan masa lalu yang penuh rahasia. Sindikatnya, Shadaloo mengambil alih wilayah kumuh di kota Thailand, yang disaksikan oleh Balrog (Michael Clarke Duncan), pembunuh handal. Prajurit Bison lainnya, Vega (Taboo – salah satu personil The Black Eyed Peas), petarung bertopeng.
Film - TVShow - Music - Lyric - Book
Friday, July 23, 2010
Happy Birthday Sis!
Wah hari ini tepat Hari Anak Nasional, kakakku juga berulang tahun, so happy birthday sistaaaa....wish you all the best for you. God bless you.
Selamat Hari Anak Nasional juga buat seluruh anak-anak di Indonesia, semoga tumbuh menjadi generasi penerus bangsa. STOP child abuse and trafficking!
Whatever - Just Want To Share
Monday, July 12, 2010
Thank You, RCTI
Waktu tahu even Piala Dunia 2010 ditayangkan live oleh RCTI, g senang banget karena sudah tahu capability RCTI untuk menayangkan even - even sport seperti ini and they did it. RCTI (include Global TV which is MNC group) memang paling TOP kalau menyiarkan even - even olahraga yang live apalagi sepak bola, beda banget sama TV lainnya, sangat tidak menyenangkan. RCTI tahu memilih pemandu acara/presenter dan komentator - komentator berpengalaman yang memang handal di bidangnya, It was great! G ga peduli iklan/pariwara berseliweran selama even berlangsung yang penting RCTI sudah menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Tidak terasa sudah satu bulan berlalu, so Thank you RCTI for entertaining us with the greatest and terrific match of World Cup 2010. Semoga tetap bertahan dan terus mengalami peningkatan dalam menyiarkan even - even olahraga lainnya! Keep your good work! Satu pesan : kalau bisa kurangin sinetron - sinetron!
Whatever - Just Want To Share
And Winner Goes To...
Finally, World Cup 2010 comes to the end and the winner goes to...SPAIN...congratulations! What a match, what a history! I can feel how its sensation to be the winner, what a proud. I hope one day Indonesia will get the same sensation at least playing at World Cup :). For Netherlands, it's not your best time and I can feel how terrible it is, proud of you too.
*Picture taken from FIFA
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Paul The Octopus
Paul the octopus is a common octopus who lives in the Sea Life public aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany. Paul was born in 2008 in England. Paul, who is sometimes called a "psychic octopus" or "oracle octopus," is famous for his ability to predict the winner of football matches especially German National Team. He is great, isn't? No matter what with his prediction, talking about octopus, suddenly miss my mom's recipe : Spicy Fried Octopus with Tomato, hmmmm delicious :)
Whatever - Just Want To Share
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