Herzlich Willkommen

"Life isn't about being old or having more problem. It's about growing to see this life from a better view coz GOD bless you more"

So...Enjoy your LIFE...

I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31 - Hari Reformasi Gereja

Hari Reformasi Gereja adalah hari keagamaan yang dirayakan pada tanggal 31 Oktober untuk mengenang Reformasi Gereja, khususnya oleh gereja Lutheran dan beberapa komunitas gereja Reformed. Ratusan tahun lalu (1517) Martin Luther memakukan 95 tesisnya di pintu gerbang gereja istana Wittenberg. Inilah tonggak gerakan reformasi sebagai bentuk penolakan terhadap penjualan Surat Indulgensia (penghapusan siksa) yang dilakukan pada masa pemerintahan Paus Leo X untuk pembangunan gedung Gereja Rasul Petrus di Roma dan pelunasan hutang Uskup Agung Albrecht dari Mainz (Wellem 1999). Terima kasih Martin Luther!

Sola fide (by faith alone), Sola gratia (by grace alone), Sola Scriptura (by Scripture alone) : ketiga hal inilah yang paling saya ingat kalau bicara reformasi gereja. Semoga gereja-gereja terutama gereja-gereja di Sumba bisa mereformasi diri menjadi lebih baik, semoga gereja-gereja bisa jadi contoh dan teladan di dunia dalam melaksanakan perintah-perintah Tuhan.

*Kalau (mungkin ada) reformasi di lingkup PNS, yang paling saya inginkan adalah reformasi sistem birokrasi dan orang-orangnya* ^^

Soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone)!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Naked Traveler 3 - SUMBA

Akhirnya selesai juga baca buku ini, yang bikin lebih seru adalah karena ga gampang dapat buku ini, harus didatangkan dari Jakarta booooo, secara di Sumba ga ada toko buku seperti Gramedia :( hehehe. Thanks a lot my dear sister karena sudah kirimin buku ini. Seperti biasa ga pernah bosan baca ceritanya Trinity, walau sebagian besar cerita sudah saya baca di blognya dan selalu sukses membuat saya ngakak terpingkal-pingkal, mungkin seharusnya Trinity harus join dengan Opera Van Java (OVJ) di Trans7 hahaha *kabur*

Dalam buku ini ada beberapa cerita mengenai Sumba, Yayyyyy senang deh Sumba bisa diceritakan, semoga makin banyak turis mempertimbangkan kunjungannya ke Sumba sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata, apalagi cuma 45 menit terbang dari Bali. You’ll be surprises with Sumba culture ^^, oh dear I love Indonesia!

Ceritanya tentang Sumba ada dalam tulisannya "RW dan B1, Serunya Pertempuran Pasola, Pantai Ideal, Behind the Scene : Archipelago Metro TV". Trinity bilang saking sepinya pantai di Sumba jadi ga ada yang jualan makanan dan lain-lain, ya iyalah pantainya masih untouchable, tapi saya suka karena jadi berasa pantai pribadi alias lonely planet eh lonely beach hehehe jadi tips kalau ke pantai di Sumba harus bawa makan sendiri :p semoga nanti ke depannya pariwisata Sumba bisa dikembangin sehingga bisa tersedia fasilitas-fasilitas umum di sekitar pantai asal jangan sampai merusak pantainya atau objek wisata lainya! Trinity juga syok karena di Sumba orang makan daging anjing (RW) dengan santainya, jangankan dia saya aja ga berani lihat pembunuhan anjing untuk di makan, belum pernah dan semoga ga pernah lihat, gimana coba lihat pembunuhan anjing kalau dengar aja anjing kaing kaing karena kesakitan udah stress, mungkin seharusnya pemakan RW nonton film "Hachiko : A Dog's Story" (meskipun sepertinya ga ngaruh juga, ya iyalah secara menurut mereka, RW adalah daging paling enak, mana rela ga makan RW? iiihhh). Walaupun saya orang Sumba tetapi saya belum pernah makan daging anjing, iiiiihhh ga tega, hari-hari sama kita terus tiba-tiba ada di meja makan? Oh my goodness! Sumba memang termasuk suku pemakan daging, jarang ada sayur, apalagi kalau pesta-pesta, saya aja stress kalau ga ada sayur, mungkin karena kami dibesarkan with a different way karena memang mama saya bukan orang Sumba, apalagi orang tua saya dan saya sendiri pernah tinggal di tanah Pasundan dimana banyak terdapat sayur-sayuran pada menu-menunya. Selain RW, daging babi juga sangat disukai orang Sumba, nah kalau yang satu ini saya ga nolak hehehe. Babi banyak dipelihara oleh orang Sumba karena sudah menjadi tradisi dan sangat diperlukan dalam acara-acara adatnya orang Sumba, bahkan di rumah-rumah warga desa banyak yang berkeliaran dengan bebasnya tidak dikandangin, saya jadi ingat filmnya Brittany Murphy dan Dakota Fanning yang "Uptown Girls" dimana dia memelihara babi dengan bebasnya dalam rumah. Selain anjing dan babi, tentu saja di Sumba banyak kuda dan kerbau, karena hewan-hewan ini dipakai sehari-hari untuk membantu pekerjaan warga dan merupakan ‘mahar’ yang harus dibayarkan jika ingin melamar perempuan Sumba, jaman dulu kalau mau melamar perempuan, apalagi kalau keturunan bangsawan Sumba, bisa sampai ratusan hewan, sekarang ini paling tinggi biasanya sekitar 30-40an kuda/kerbau, belum lain-lainnya, baru-baru ini seorang teman kerja saya melamar seorang perempuan dan dia harus membawa sekitar 80an hewan, hah??!! gelooo, hari gini masih ada aja yang minta segitunya ck ck ck mahalnya perempuan Sumba. Tapi menurut laki-laki Sumba karena saking mahalnya itu makanya susah untuk dilepas, beda dengan lainnya saking gampangnya dapat sehingga mudah pisah/cerai, aya aya wae nyakkk. Sumba juga dikenal dengan padang rumput savananya, karena padang savana inilah makanya kuda berkeliaran bebas di padang, I love horse! Saya ingat dulu ada film "Angin Rumput Savana" yang disutradai oleh Garin Nugroho, kapan lagi yach ada film tentang Sumba? Pengen deh ada film yang menceritakan tentang Pasola, yang paling saya suka pada saat Pasola adalah bisa melihat kuda-kuda cakap siap untuk bertempur, oh ya Pasola adalah pertempuran berkuda dalam merayakan musim tanam padi, biasanya di bulan Februari dan Maret. Dua kubu saling melemparkan tombak kayu sambil menunggang kuda, keren kan? cuma ada di Sumba Barat dan Sumba Barat Daya, oh dear I love Sumba ^^ 
Tidak ada tanggal pasti kapan Pasola digelar karena sangat tergantung dengan ritual adat yang dilakukan oleh Rato Marapu (tetua adat), Marapu merupakan kepercayaan animisme sebagian besar masyarakat Sumba yang masih dijaga turun temurun.

Masih banyak hal tentang Sumba yang perlu di explore…tertarik ke Sumba? Yukkkk mareeeeeeee, jangan ragu-ragu hehehe.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Letter from God

Saat kau bangun di pagi hari, Aku memandangmu dan berharap engkau akan berbicara kepadaKu, walaupun hanya sepatah kata, meminta pendapatKu atau bersyukur kepadaKu atas sesuatu hal indah yang terjadi di dalam hidupmu kemarin, tetapi aku melihat engkau begitu sibuk mempersiapkan diri untuk pergi bekerja.

Aku kembali menanti. Saat engkau sedang bersiap, Aku tahu akan ada sedikit waktu bagimu untuk berhenti dan menyapaKu, tetapi engkau terlalu sibuk. Di satu tempat, engkau duduk di sebuah kursi selama lima belas menit tanpa melakukan apapun. Kemudian Aku melihat engkau menggerakkan kakimu. Aku berpikir engkau ingin berbicara kepadaKu tetapi engkau berlari ke telepon dan menelepon seorang teman untuk mendengarkan gosip terbaru. Aku melihatmu ketika engkau pergi bekerja dan Aku menanti dengan sabar sepanjang hari.

Dengan semua kegiatanmu, Aku berpikir engkau terlalu sibuk untuk mengucapkan sesuatu kepadaKu. Sebelum makan siang Aku melihatmu memandang ke sekeliling, mungkin engkau merasa malu untuk berbicara kepadaKu, itulah sebabnya mengapa engkau tidak menundukkan kepalamu. Engkau memandang tiga atau empat meja sekitarmu dan melihat beberapa temanmu berbicara kepadaku dengan lembut sebelum mereka makan, tetapi engkau tidak melakukannya.

Tidak apa-apa. Masih ada waktu yang tersisa, dan Aku berharap engkau akan berbicara kepadaKu, meskipun saat engkau pulang ke rumah kelihatannya seakan-akan banyak hal yang harus kau kerjakan. Setelah beberapa hal tersebut selesai engkau kerjakan, engkau menyalakan televisi, Aku tidak tahu apakah kau suka menonton televisi atau tidak, hanya saja engkau selalu ke sana dan menghabiskan banyak waktu setiap hari dengannya, tanpa memikirkan apapun hanya menikmati acara yang ditampilkan.

Kembali aku menanti dengan sabar saat engkau menonton TV dan menikmati makananmu tetapi kembali kau tidak berbicara kepadaKu. Saat tidur Kupikir kau merasa terlalu lelah. Setelah mengucapkan selamat malam kepada keluargamu, kau melompat ke tempat tidur dan tertidur tak lama kemudian. Tidak apa-apa karena mungkin engkau tidak menyadari bahwa Aku selalu hadir untukmu. Aku bersabar lebih lama dari yang kau sadari.

Aku bahkan ingin mengajarkanmu bagaimana bersabar terhadap orang lain. Aku sangat mengasihimu, setiap hari Aku menantikan sepatah kata, doa atau pikiran atau syukur dari hatimu. Baiklah...engkau bangun kembali dan kembali. Aku menanti dengan penuh kasih bahwa hari ini kau akan memberiKu sedikit waktu. Semoga harimu menyenangkan.



*Taken from Unknown, NN

Saya tidak tahu siapa yang menulis artikel/surat ini tapi sangat menegur dan menyentuh, seringkali kita bersikap seperti itu, lupa bahwa ada Allah Yang Maha Kasih dalam hidup kita, lupa berterima kasih untuk anugerahnya luar biasa dalam hidup kita, tetapi sungguh Dia sangat panjang sabar karena itu marilah kita belajar untuk terus makin dekat denganNya, saya bangga punya Allah seperti Engkau! Thank you JESUS :*

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Happy birthday to me! Thank you for all prayer, wish, support, etc for me, kiss and big hug for all of you :* I am getting older, many question comes out from my relatives/friends, when will I get married, what are you waiting for bla bla bla oh come on life is not only about married! They said I’m choosy and alone, too hard to my life, many advice have been given to me, hope my life happy. They said that is the time to find a man because of my age. I’m fine, enjoying my own life, my life is perfect, I’m very happy, chasing my dreams, free to do anything, making friends with anyone, I can’t stop the time, I just want the best in my life, I believe I’ll find my soul mate in His beautiful time and way. I’ll find the right man in right place and in the right time, of course because of God lead me. I believe in HIM. Nowadays I happy with my life, I enjoying everything about by myself, I don’t have to rely on somebody else, etc. I just don’t get it why people such in a hurry to get marry, choose to live together without sacred married, get pregnant and born a baby without married or with married and after that decide to divorce, married because their parents push them to do that, married without love, etc. I mean why don’t make it as a serious journey in life, as God wants us to do it. Well, I respect all their decision and I don’t want to interrupt it but it’s just not mine ^^

Here an article which I got from my cell leader in Bandung on July 2006 while we study bible together about Sex, Love and Married in a group with my best friends Resky and Imel. This article written by Rick Warren, a senior pastor in Saddleback Church, I admire him.
Read and enjoy this article, be blessed in your marriage and for all the single ladies out there, I hope we find the best/true man from God ^^
The Purpose-Driven Marriage
Use these five biblical purposes to give direction to your marriage
By Rick Warren

In his book What’s Wrong with the World, G.K. Chesterton summed it up well: “If we wish to preserve the family, we must revolutionize the nation.” In this exclusive series, we explore five distinct pillars of Christian marriage. Living by these pillars can only strengthen your marriage, but in fact, revolutionize the church and the nation. Here, in our first installment, we look at the importance of incorporating Christ in our marriages.
--The Editors

I suppose you’d expect a man who’s been marriage 30 years to a beautiful, intelligent woman would be able to share with you the intimate secrets to having a perfect marriage.

But I’m going to disappoint you! That’s because my wife and I don’t have a perfect marriage. Kay is without a doubt my best friend, and we have a wonderful relationship—but as far as a perfect marriage, well, there’s no such thing.

What Kay and I do have is a marriage centered on Christ, specifically focused on glorifying God. We remain committed to each other because we remain committed to Christ and his work within us.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church” (Ephesians 5:31-32).

No Easy Road
After three decades in ministry, I’ve noticed that it’s not unusual for couples to float through their first year or two of marriage in a love-blinded bliss.

But, frankly, that didn’t happen for Kay and me. Our first two years together were the most difficult. In fact, we were ready to throw in the towel. If we both hadn’t been committed to Jesus Christ and we both hadn’t agreed that divorce was not an option, we wouldn’t have stayed together. It was simply too difficult. 

Kay even said that in those first few years of marriage, she often wished that one of two things would happen: either she’d be widowed, or God would change his mind and say divorce was now okay!

Since then, we’ve met many couples who were convinced their marital struggles meant there was no hope for healing. We can say from experience that’s not true; there’s always hope!

Part of the difficult for Kay and me is that we were virtual strangers when we got married, but we began finding out things about each other immediately—like the fact that apart from our love for God, we were about as opposite in nature as two couple could be.

We viewed life from two different angles and argued over just about everything. I remember Kay’s father sat us down the night before we were married and said, “There are five areas where marriages usually have conflict: money, sex, in-laws, children, and communication.

He proved to be prophetic: Kay and I went five for five! We fought over single one of those items.

Not only did we disagree over those things, we couldn’t even agree how to disagree! Kay is an intense person who needs to talk. My preferred method of dealing with problems was just to walk away. That was a volatile combination!

The single factor that kept us married in those early years was that we agreed on one thing: divorce would never be an option for us. You can’t leave the door open even a little bit, or eventually one of you will try to escape.

Because we knew we were in it for the long haul, we were forced to accept each other’s differences. What else were we going to do?

Slowly, over time, God helped us not only to accept our differences, but to appreciate them. Through the process we learned that any successful marriage is built upon the biblical truth that God designed each of us with five purposes in mind: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions.

In other words, until you realize you were placed here for God’s purposes, then your life—and your marriage—will be difficult, complicated, and exhausting. But once you understand God’s plan, your life—and you marriage—take on new meaning.

And once you and your spouse both get this—when both of you are living purpose-driven lives—then guess what happens?

Your marriage becomes a purpose-driven marriage!

Balancing biblical purposes
Here are the five biblical purposes you should keep balanced in your marriage:
1. You and your spouse were both planned for God’s pleasure. How would your marriage immediately change it you understood deeply that your spouse was created for God’s pleasure? Or if your spouse understood deeply that you were planned for God’s pleasure?

A man once asked Jesus, “What’s the most important commandment?” Jesus replied, “I can summarize the entire Bible in two statements: Love God, and love other people!” (Matthew 22:36-39). That includes your spouse.

Life is about relationships, not achievements. First and foremost, it’s about developing a relationship with God that will last forever—we call that worship. You also worship God when you love and sacrifice for your spouse (just read through Romans 12 with a view of what its applications would mean to your marriage).

Any time you give pleasure to God, you’re worshiping him, and the Bible teaches that loving your spouse—the mate God gave you for a lifetime—brings pleasure to him.

2. You and your spouse were formed for God’s family. God made an incredible promise about gathering of even just two believers: “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst” (Matthew 18:20, nasb).
So if both you and your spouse are believers, God is already in your marriage working to transform the two of you into a purpose-driven family unit! Isn’t that incredibly great news?

But Jesus wants us to love real people—not ideal people—and your marriage is a lab for learning how to love like Jesus loves.

It seems funny now, but one conflict between Kay and me in marriage was over the really trivial issue of soap! For me, a hot steamy shower is a spiritual experience—right up there with eating fresh cinnamon rolls. I also happen to be a person who gets bored quickly, so I like variety; I don’t want to use the same kind of soap all the time.

One day I told Kay we needed some different kinds of soap. But I said it in a way that sounded as though our marriage was a failure because we used the same kind of soap all the time. Three or four months later at Christmas, to “get back at me”, she wrapped and placed 27 different bars of soap under the tree!

My point is that within marriage, God has created an opportunity for us to develop a true intimacy and authenticity with another human being. God wants for you and your spouse to go beyond the superficial chit-chat that is, unfortunately, so common in many marriages.

To go this deep requires genuine, heart-to-heart, gut-level sharing, where you and your spouse get honest about who you are and what’s happening in your lives. This happens when you both open up to each other and share your hurts, reveal your feelings, confess your failures, disclose your doubts, admit your fears, acknowledge your weaknesses, and ask each other for help and prayer.

3. You and your spouse were both created to become like Christ. As I mentioned, marriage is laboratory for developing God’s love in you. He’ll use your spouse to build his values, attitudes, morals, and character within you.

Once you understand this, a lot of what happens within your marriage will begin to make more sense. When you start to ask, “Why is this happening to me?” The answer is—to make you more like Jesus!

In fact, the Bible teaches that God builds certain qualities within our lives by putting us in situations that make it difficult to show these qualities. In other words, for God to teach you real love, he’ll put you around some unlovely people. For God teach you real joy, he’ll allow you to go through times of grief. To learn inner peace and patience, he’ll allow storms of chaos and stressful situations in your life that test your patience and teach you to trust him.

In his book Sacred Marriage, our friend Gary, makes the case that marriage was not meant to make you happy; it was meant to make you holy. That was an eye-opener for Kay and me. It made such sense. If God’s purpose for each of our lives is to make us look more like Jesus, what better tool could he use than the marriage relationship?

Who better for God to use to chisel you than the person you live with seven days a week? When the difficult times come, you just have to realize you’re being worked on! God is using each of you to shape the other person more and more into the image of Jesus.

4. You and your spouse were both shaped for serving God. The Bible says, “God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God has made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing” (Ephesians 2:10, ncv).

We serve God by serving others, and we serve God by serving our spouse. God shapes us for service through a variety of methods, including our spiritual gifts, our passions, our abilities, our personality, and our experiences.

In fact, God will use the difficulties in your marriage to shape you into an effective minister to others. Who could better help the parents of a Down syndrome child than other parents with a Down syndrome child? Who could better help somebody recover from the pain of an addiction, a business failure, or a prodigal child than a couple who has been through these things and emerged with godly insights?

Could it be that the part of your marriage you regret or resent most—that which you’ve wanted to hide or forget—is the very thing God wants to use as your ministry to help and encourage others sharing the same struggle? God doesn’t just use your strengths; he uses our weaknesses, and even our failures!

5. You and your spouse were both made for a mission. Your marriage not only involves ministry, it also involves mission. Your ministry is to believers and your mission is to non-believers—allowing God to use your marriage as a means for telling others about his love.

This may take many forms, from being a witness in your neighborhood to going overseas on mission trips together. The fact is, if you want God’s blessing on your marriage, then you must care about what God cares about most. What is that? He wants his lost children found! He wants everyone to know him and his purposes for their lives.

If you want to see how much God cares about the people around you, just look at the Cross. With outstretched arms, Jesus says, “I love them this much!”

Marriage is a life-long process designed to teach you to see the needs of another person as more important than your own. It’s a difficult transition because it’s not natural. It’s not natural for me to look at life from Kay’s point of view, and it’s not natural for her to look at life from my point of view.

To think this way requires an intentional shift that can be made only through the power of God in your life. As you and your spouse make that shift, your marriage will become more and more purpose-driven—focused on the needs of others and balancing the purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, service and missions.

The reward is greater than anything you could ever imagine. I’ve often thought what would have happened—or not happened—had Kay and I thrown in the towel many years ago.

There would be no Saddleback Church, no purpose-driven ministry, and no “Purpose-Driven Life”!

God’s plan for you and your spouse—for your marriage—is wider and deeper than anything in your wildest, craziest dreams. May our heavenly Father help you to catch this vision as you chase it into the future.

Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern Californis, is best-selling author of The Purpose-Driven Life (Zondervan)

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Soccer War - With An Afterword by Bill Buford

"There is nothing worse than finding yourself alone in somebody else's country during somebody else's war"

The Soccer War or from original title Wojna futbolowa, first time when I saw the book title, I guess it is about soccer at least about soccer competition but I was wrong, it’s not only about soccer, it’s about the writer’s journey during his reportage in Third World, ‘the end of the world’, Africa and Latin America. Well, thank you Mr. Michael for allow me to borrow the book, I enjoy it because it adding my knowledge about the Third World and somehow I think it is almost the same thing in Sumba, like my Dutch friend said "Sumba, the end of the world" hehehe
This book written by Ryszard Kapuściński, he was appointed by the Polish Press Agency on 1964 as its only foreign correspondent, he had witnessed twenty-seven revolution and coups, his eye-witness account of the emergence of the Third World. The Soccer War is a series of snippets from conflicts around the world, sometimes focused heavily upon the war itself, and other times bemusedly observing the activities of confused peasants, scared militia, bewildered fellow-reporters, and minor officials. It is also intensely personal, though curiously without revealing much of his life back home in Poland. One suspects the reason for this is that Kapuściński didn't have much of life back home - he reported, he traveled, he brushed up against death so many times that I'd think it would become routine, though it never did. Wherever Kapuściński was, he wrote and wrote about the conflict, burrowing as deeply into the front lines as possible, sticking his head in where it did not belong.
I love what he said to Bill Buford in the end of his interview in order to answer Buford’s question:

How is this different from New Journalism – the work of Hunter S. Thomson, Joan Didion or Tom Wolfe – who also put a premium on the first person reporter? 

That’s an important question. And while I know nothing about New Journalism when I was in Africa, I can see now that New Journalism was the beginning for liquidating the border between fact and fiction. But New Journalism was ultimately just journalism, describing the strangeness of America. I think we have gone beyond all that. It is not a New Journalism, but a New Literature.

Why I am a writer? Why have risked my life so many times, come so close to dying? Is it to report the weirdness? To earn my salary? Mine is not a vocation, it’s a mission. I wouldn’t subject myself to these dangers if I didn’t feel that there was something overwhelmingly important – about history, about ourselves – that I felt compelled to get across. This is more than journalism.

He is really know about his passion, isn’t he? That’s what life about! Follow your passion!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Jobs

I didn't notice before why Steve Jobs becoming trending topic on twitter after I read my friend status about RIP Steve Jobs, hah? I was startled. He was passing away on October 5, 2011; he died in California at age 56, seven years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Oh my…maybe the world didn't even know that he has cancer but he was amazing in his job. He is mostly known as co-founder, chairman and chief executive of Apple, Inc. one of prestigious brand in the world. Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs was on February 24, 1955, an American computer entrepreneur and innovator. Jobs also previously served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney.

I always admire people who being successful in their life and being an inspiration, RIP Steve Jobs…your incredible contributions to the world will be forever remembered. 
Apple wrote on their web : “Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple
Yes, I agree with Apple, may what he has done always inspiring us to be a visionary, creative genius and an amazing human being!

*Waikabubak, October 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

I decided to go back home on Wednesday afternoon since there’s no activity lately in office, some colleagues are going to opening ceremonial of El Tari Memorial Cup, I didn't really like crowded anyway and I want to be at home when my mom birthday on October 6. There’s no special program, we only have dinner together but it means a lot.
This song called “The Perfect Fan” by Backstreet Boys, just for my mom
It takes a lot to know what is love 
It's not the big thing but the little things 
That can mean enough 
A lot of players to get me through 
There is never a day that passes by 
I don't think of you 
You were always there for me 
Pushing me and guiding me 
Always to succeed 

You showed me 
When i was young just how to grow 
You showed me everything that i should know 
You showed me just how to walk without your hands 
'Cause mom you always were the perfect fan 

God has been so good 
With blessing me with the family 
Who did all they could 
And I've had many years of Grace 
And it flatters me when i see a smile on your face 
I wanna thank you for what you've done 
In hopes I can give back to you 
And be the perfect son 

You showed me 
When i was young just how to grow 
You showed me everything that i should know 
You showed me just how to walk without your hands 
'Cause mom you always were the perfect fan 

You showed me how to love 
You showed me how to care 
And showed me that you would always be there 
I wanna thank you for the time 
And i'm proud to say you're mine 

You showed me 
When i was young just how to grow 
You showed me everything that i should know 
You showed me just how to walk without your hands 
'Cause mom you always were the perfect fan 

'Cause Mom you always were, Mom you always were 
Mom you always were...the perfect fan 

I Love You Mom

I love you mom, I am proud to be you daughter, thank you Lord!

*Waikabubak, October 6, 2011

ArcGIS 9.3 Installation

Since Mr. Michael ask me to help him install the ArcGIS 9.3, I try to install the application in his laptop but we were facing some problem, the installation guide didn't help me much to do it, it’s confusing me. I try to call the technical guy in Jakarta where he bought the software but it didn't really help, he said to bring to him, how come? We are in NTT and he is in Jakarta :p and I got impression that looks like he doesn't believe that I can do the installation because I am a girl and it will need some computer trick, Well try me boy! After that he only said to follow the installation guide. I try it again but still facing the problem then I try in my laptop too but unfortunately my laptop is running out of battery and I didn't bring the adapter and we decided to go back home. At home I continue to install the application again but still facing the same problem …Arghhhh!!! And I don’t want to call the technical guy, he is not an option! I start thinking over and over again, there’s should be a way out, I just need to think it clearly and analyze it to find the solution, after check some document and thinking ‘outside the box’ ^^ I finally made it in my laptop, Yayyyyy it works!!!! *dance*
Here are the steps that I did to make it works and you know what? It a lil bit different with the installation guide, AMAZING!
How to install ArcGIS 9.3 :
1) Open ArcGIS 9.3\Crack\
    install "license_server_setup\LMSetup.exe"
    and use "localhost.efl9" as license file . Restart PC!
2) Stop the services of ArcGIS license manager
3) Copy all files from "license_server_crack\" to the
    "C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x" replacing existing ones
4) Start the services of ArcGIS license manager
5) Run ESRI.exe, install the application ArcGIS Desktop
    Choose the Complete one. Restart PC!
6) Copy "data_interop\fme_license.dat" to 
    "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Data Interoperability Extension"
7) Start "Desktop Administrator" and
    * "Software Product": choose "ArcInfo (Floating)"     
    * "License Manager": change to "localhost"
       If cannot find the localhost, type "localhost" manually
    * "Availability": select "ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)",
      this should be shown some licenses
8) Run ArcMap, it should be working!!!

*Waitabula, EMM, October 4, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Geographic Information System (GIS) Training and Mapping the Risk of Malaria

Eta and I were attending a GIS training and mapping the risk of malaria held by Health Department supported by UNICEF on September 20-24, 2011. The entire participant is from Health Department and Clinics, only both of us from Regional Development Planning Board. The trainer is a lecture from Nusa Cendana University (UNDANA), Frederika R. N, she is from Wanokaka, West Sumba but grew up in Jawa, graduated from Diponegoro University for her bachelor degree and got her master degree in Japan. That’s encourage me get my master degree abroad ^^
I never use GIS application before, I thought that would be difficult but I was wrong, it’s simple, well in my opinion, we just need to practice it. We were using open source application like OpenJump, Cybertracker and MapWindowsGIS, for the database we were using OpenOffice and Microsoft Office Access. After 3 days training session in Sinar Tambolaka Hotel, we went to some clinics i.e. Waimangura, Watukawula and Rada Mata to take some data using GPS and PDA, that’s why I said in my FB, looks like I can’t run away from Health things, wherever I go and do, always facing or involved with Health things (most of my family working in Health sector)
Here are some examples of map that I made it:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pancasila Sanctity Day

3 hari lalu kita memperingati hari Kesaktian Pancasila, tapi baru hari ini dilakukan upacara di lingkup Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Pancasila adalah ideologi dasar bagi negara Indonesia, terdiri dari dua kata Sansekerta yaitu pañca berarti lima dan śīla berarti prinsip atau asas. Pancasila merupakan rumusan dan pedoman kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Panca Sila dikemukakan oleh Soekarno pada 1 Juni 1945 dalam pidato spontannya yang kemudian dikenal dengan judul "Lahirnya Pancasila". 
Seingat saya peristiwa ini terkait dengan peristiwa 30 September 1965, yang dikenal dengan Gerakan 30 September, correct me if I am wrong. Pemberontakan ini merupakan wujud usaha mengubah unsur Pancasila menjadi ideologi komunis. Pada saat itu, enam Jendral dan beberapa orang lainnya dibunuh sebagai upaya kudeta. Namun berkat kesadaran untuk mempertahankan Pancasila maka upaya tersebut mengalami kegagalan. Maka tanggal 1 Oktober ditetapkan sebagai Hari Kesaktian Pancasila, memperingati bahwa dasar Indonesia, Pancasila, adalah sakti, tak tergantikan. Anyway busway oneway saya tidak mengerti sejarah lagi sejak peristiwa Mei 1998, sejarah seperti menjadi kabur, mana yang benar, mana yang salah, I am not sure, tapi saya Yakin, Pasti, Sure isi sila-sila Pancasila adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
  2. Kemanusian yang adil dan beradab
  3. Persatuan Indonesia
  4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam Permusyawaratan/Perwakilan
  5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia

Hapal yach? Secara tiap senin pagi diucapkan di upacara/apel gabungan ^^

In my opinion, Indonesia belum sepenuhnya menerapkan sila-sila tersebut, contohnya : Hari tersebut diperingati juga dengan peristiwa bom Bali II, masih ada saja gereja yang dibom, yang terbaru di Solo, dimana Ketuhanannya? Rakyat tidak saling menghormati dan menjamin kebebasan umat untuk beribadah, jemaat ahmadiyah masih terancam nyawanya jika beribadah, dimana letak adil dan beradabnya rakyat kita? Bagaimana mungkin kita bisa dibilang bersatu jika Ambon rusuh lagi beberapa hari yang lalu. Dimanakah hikmat saat pengambilan keputusan dalam musyarawah? Yang ada hanya emosi dan diktator. Lalu dimanakah keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia? Masih banyak rakyat miskin, pembangunan tidak merata, masih terpusat di pulau Jawa dan sekitarnya, bagaimana nasib rakyat di daerah – daerah tertinggal, di bagian timur Indonesia? TANYA KENAPA?!

Please save our country, let's make it as a better place!

Dirty Laundry

I was home last Saturday and I usually wake up a 'lil bit late on day off or Sunday morning, I love to sleep :p, some call me Sleep Princess :D, so while I was still in bed, my mom came in to my bedroom to take something, she didn’t know that I still in bed because I cover my body with blanket, West Sumba has cold weather. When I moved, she surprises...
“I thought that nobody in bed, that's why I was wondering why Nona (my oldest sister) let her room mess, why she didn’t put in order everything after wake up. Come wake up!” she said to me.
“Hmmmm” I just roll over my body.
“Where is your dirty laundry? You didn’t bring it?
“How odd it is!”
“I didn’t have it”
“How come? You didn’t back home for two weeks and you have no dirty laundry?
“Well, I wash and clean it by myself”
“You did it? Wow, magic! Hahaha, good girl, that’s my girl. Come, wake up, get breakfastShe knows that I am not good to do housekeeping jobs, kind of lazy :D
“Yes Maam
I just chuckle, that was a typical conversation with my mom, always joke each other. Oh dear, I love her very much, the best mom!

*Waikabubak, October 2, 2011


It’s October again, Yayyyyy…. I don’t know why, every time October comes this song always come out from my mind, sang by Bethany Joy Lenz as Haley James Scott in One Tree Hill, one of my favorite TV series.

- Let Me Fall -
It's October again
Leaves are coming down
One more year's come and gone
And nothing's changed at all
Wasn't I supposed to be someone
Who can face the things that I've been running from...

Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I...Cry a little…Die a little
At least I know I lived, just a little...

I've become much too good at being invincible
I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be
I refuse to let my life roll all over me...

Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I...Cry a little…Die a little
At least I know I lived, just a little...

I wanna be somebody
I, I wanna be somebody
I wanna be somebody
I, I wanna be somebody
Who can face the things that I've been running from

Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I…Cry a little…Die a little
At least I know I lived...

It's October again
Leaves are coming down
One more year's come and gone
And nothing's changed at all

I am not running from, I am not trying to be invisible, I don’t want be someone else, just be myself, it’s October again, means I’ll getting older :) but once again it doesn't matter because for me Life isn’t about being old or having more problem, it’s about growing to see this life from a better view because Jesus bless you more, so enjoy my (your) life.

Welcome October! Be Happy! 

*Waikabubak, October 1, 2011