Herzlich Willkommen

"Life isn't about being old or having more problem. It's about growing to see this life from a better view coz GOD bless you more"

So...Enjoy your LIFE...

I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy International Mother's Day

"AMSAL 31:10-31 a.k.a PROVERBS 31:10-31" Happy International Mother's Day on second Sunday of May to our beloved mom Maryke R. Manna . Good mothers not only tell us how to live---they show us! Lord, thank you for the influence our mothers have had on us. We too want to touch the lives of others, to point them to You. We know we need Your Spirit's power to do that. Fill us and use us, we pray. - Leni Manna , Dora Manna , Ina Manna Mamacauruz --- YMIblogging

We Love You, MOM!!!