Herzlich Willkommen

"Life isn't about being old or having more problem. It's about growing to see this life from a better view coz GOD bless you more"

So...Enjoy your LIFE...

I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kep. Seribu : P. Pramuka, P. Semak Daun, dll

After 3 days jd baby sitter, jagain sepu2 g yg baru 10 bulan (wah capek banget, dasar adik super aktif hihihi).....Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......g senang banget akhirnya bisa ikut trip snorkling ke Pramuka Island tgl 4-5 Oct 2008, pengalaman yang menyenangkan...laut yang bagus, pulau yang indah, team Dolphin yang asyik2, dll ... ga rugi deh ikutan trip ini...
Berangkat jam 7 pagi dari Muare Angke (sumpe deh nich dermaga ga kayak dermaga tapi tempat sampah hihihihi), setengah jam berikutnya udah keliatan Bidadari Island, dll, 1 jam kemudian mampir bentar di Ujung Jawa Island,, ternyata jauh jg yach Pramuka Island nya , 2 jam perjalanan dari Muara Angke.
Nyampe Pramuka Island lansung ganti baju buat snorkling tp ya makan siang dulu donggg biar perut ga kelaparannnnnn.... :)
Then i'm ready for snorkling.... here are the picture :