I am lucky, like what I've said before that I'm surrounded by loving people. I got sms today from Luci, she is a companion of Immanuel Christian Student Fellowship in our campus (in the past was Electrical Engineering Christian Student Fellowship), the sms said that they have prayer community today which is focusing to pray for alumni and they're asking me what is my prayer topics so they can pray for me in their intercessory prayer. I am full of joy, thank you Jesus for giving me such a community who's still pray and care for me. What a blessed.
Herzlich Willkommen
So...Enjoy your LIFE...
I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.
Search Me Here!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
October 15
I got SMS, phone calls, hugs, kiss, FB walls still counting
and of course I believe many prays has been send to God in October 15. They're wishing the best for me. Amien

Here are some of FB comment, just make my day
Dessy : „Wilujeung nepang milad.. mugi-mugi kakabul sadaya pangharepan...“ ---> Hahaha, I'm not Sundanese but I understand it
Dwianto : „Met tambah tua....“ ---> Of course, getting older :p
Bagus : „Macam ada yg ULTAH na..Happy b'day...wish all your dream will come true. Ditunggu undangan lop..lop..nya ;-)“ ---> lop lop??? Hahaha come here I'll treat you with delicious food
Ary : „Konco..Slamat Hari Jadi..moga sehat & sukses slalu..GBU.“ ---> Konco??? hmmm long time not hear that word :)
Sri : „yeee...met utah...ya bu'e....“ ---> Bu'e??? Hahaha how old I am? :p still young honey :)
Eko : „Slamat Ulang Taun, Kak..“ ---> Kak??? hmmm wondering...who's older than me :p
Andi Umbu : „Slmt ulang tahun ibu, smg sll d berkati Tuhan dlm hidup n dlm pekerjaan. Kayakx su lama tdk mengudara ini. Ha4.....“ ---> Ibu??? Mengudara??? Wkwkwkw I'm still young though :p . We're not in radio, well I'm not online with FB for almost 2 months, missing me huh?! :p
Ina : „Asyyiiikkk....asssyyiiikkkk.... Bsk makan2 deh.. Slmt hari lahir kk ku syg..
Tambah sehat, tambah gemuk, tambah tinggi, tambah banyak duitnya, tambah pacar yg cakep dan baik hati, tambah banyak berkat dari Tuhan dan tambah2 yg lain deh. Umuaacchh.. Jbus“ ---> Tambah pacar yg cakep dan baik hati? Tambah??? Hahaha how come?
Bung Kenny : „Selamat ulang ton na..smoga panjang umur,cepat besar,cepat tinggi,sukses slalu..Gbu“ ---> Cepat besar, cepat tinggi??? wkwkwkwk it's genetic :p I've eat too much
Budi : „Na glory man utd na...eh salah hepi besdei na...“ ----> glory Man Utd??? amiennnnn wkwkwkkw
David Brachnak - KBS (via Skype) : "good morning erna. happy birthday and the best wishes from the cold germany" ---> hehehe cold? here is warm even hot, what a weather :)
and many more...........still counting though :)
Ooohh dear, I feel very lucky to be surrounded by family, friends and people who are very caring and full of love to me, thank you Lord Jesus. I love you!
Happy Birthday to me, another blessed age/year has gone by, welcome new blessed future, may full of Faith, Hope and Love 

Thanks God
Friday, October 1, 2010
Let Me Fall
It's OCTOBER! hmmmmm one more year's come and gone, nothing's changed at all? I'm not sure :) because there's something that you must change which is getting older hehehe .... anyway just find and listen to this song, singing by Bethany Joy Lenz in her performance on One Tree Hill, I love it.
Let Me Fall
by Bethany Joy Lenz
It's October again
Leaves are coming down
One more year's come and gone
And nothing's changed at all
Wasn't I supposed to be someone
Who can face the things that I've been running from...
Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I...
Cry a little
Die a little
At least I know I lived, just a little...
I've become much too good at being invincible
I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be
I refuse to let my life roll all over me...
Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I...
Cry a little
Die a little
At least I know I lived, just a little...
I wanna be somebody
I, I wanna be somebody
I wanna be somebody
I, I wanna be somebody who can face the things that I've been running from
Let me feel, I don't care if I breakdown
Let me fall, even if I hit the ground
And if I
Cry a little
Die a little
At least I know I lived...
It's October again
Leaves are coming down
One more year's come and gone
And nothing's changed at all
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