Herzlich Willkommen

"Life isn't about being old or having more problem. It's about growing to see this life from a better view coz GOD bless you more"

So...Enjoy your LIFE...

I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Come to LORD

Ketika kau dalam kesusahan
Ketika kau dalam kesulitan
Ketika kau dalam kesesakan
Ada Kasih BAPA untukmu
DIA akan memberi kekuatan padamu
Ketika kau berbeban berat
Ketika kau letih lesu
Ketika kau kecewa
Datang pada YESUS
DIA akan memberi kelegaan padamu
Ketika kau sendirian
Ketika kau sedih
Ketika kau menangis
ROH KUDUS akan menghiburmu
DIA akan memberi sukacita padamu
Just believe HIM
Just do what HE want and always pray
Because HE is the Only Name in the world
Who will give you Strength, Joy and Happyness

Paris Van Java, 260502
© Erna Megawati Manna