Herzlich Willkommen

"Life isn't about being old or having more problem. It's about growing to see this life from a better view coz GOD bless you more"

So...Enjoy your LIFE...

I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

God Of Wonders

Malam ini langit terang sekali karena sinar bulan dan bintang, amazing, beautiful. Jadi terlintas di otak saya bahwa satu hal yang menyenangkan tinggal di desa adalah kadang - kadang kita ga perlu listrik untuk penerangan karena ada sinar bulan dan bintang yang terang sekali seperti malam ini, Thank you Jesus for the light of moon and stars. Jadi ingat juga lagu God of Wonders yang dinyayikan oleh Chris Tomlin, one of my favorite Christian singer. Read the lyric, how amazing our God, isn’t? The universe declares His majesty. I love you, Jesus :*

Lord of all creation
Of water, earth and sky
The Heavens are your Tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high
God of wonders
Beyond our galaxy
You are Holy, Holy
The universe declares your majesty
You are Holy, Holy
Lord of Heaven and Earth.......
Lord of Heaven and Earth.......

Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
And when I stumble into darkness
I will call your name by night
God of wonders
Beyond our galaxy
You are Holy, Holy
The universe declares your majesty
You are Holy, Holy

Lord of Heaven and Earth.......
Lord of Heaven and Earth.......

Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)

God of wonders
Beyond our galaxy
You are Holy, Holy
Precious Lord,
Reveal your heart to me
Father hold me, hold me
The Universe declares your majesty
You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy

Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)

*Waitabula, 4 April 2012

Sore ini dalam perjalanan pulang dari Waitabula menuju Waikabubak, saya melihat Pelangi yang spektakuler, sangat indah, bentuk dan warnanya sempurna sekali, sayang saya tidak mengambil gambarnya karena mengendarai sepeda motor. Sekali lagi alam menceritakan akan kebesaran dan keagungan Sang Peciptanya, thank you Jesus. The universe declares YOUR Majesty. What a perfect universe!
Selamat hari raya Jumat Agung dan Paskah!!! No greater love than what Jesus did for us.

*Waikabubak, 5 April 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kau Tetap Pergi...

Ingin ke teriak...
 Perempuan ini yang mengenalmu
  Perempuan ini yang mengharapkanmu
   Perempuan ini yang merindukanmu
    Perempuan ini yang mencintaimu

Ingin ku teriak...
 Jangan pernah pergi
  Jangan pernah tinggalkanku
   Tinggallah bersamaku
    Tapi...kau tetap pergi

Paris Van Java, 291105
©Erna Megawati Manna

*For the man who's giving me the inspiration*

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quote 4 : Fearless

“Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.” ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

I hope this quote encourage all of you to not worry about your future and regret your past, just surrender and have faith in Jesus.

OH MY GOODNESS! Buku Pintar Seorang Creative Junkies

Devil’s Advocate adalah “someone who takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with for the sake of argument.” 

Saya benar – benar kagum dengan sosok seorang Yoris Sebastian, mungkin bagi dunia industry kreatif, ingat YORIS berarti ingat KREATIF. Awalnya saya tidak tahu siapa Yoris, kemudian dia di interview dalam satu program televisi kalau tidak salah ingat nama program tersebut Friends and The City yang ditayangkan di O Channel TV. Sejak saat itu saya mulai lihat sepak terjangnya di dunia industry kreatif, ternyata ide kreatif dia yang paling fenomenal menurut saya adalah I Love Monday di Hard Rock Cafe, sungguh sebuah terobosan yang luar biasa. Kemudian saya juga mulai ikut baca – baca web, follow twitternya dan wowww, he is an amazing creative person. Buku OH MY GOODNESS! Buku Pintar Seorang Creative Junkies, saya pikir cukup benar – benar merepresentasikan seorang Yoris yang luar biasa kreatif, I love the book.

Maju terus dunia kreatif!!!


Jan 29, 2012, that was the day for the first time I saw my ex boyfriend standing in front of the church at rostrum for preach. It was his first church service after moving from the previously church where he has been served for. I saw him at rostrum as totally different person whom I've known before; he is change a lot, for good I mean. Yeah it’s been about 15 years ago when we were start dating, of course it’s been a long time and people are change, aren't they? So does him. We are not in relationship anymore although we were been separate for years but we still a good friend, if there is one thing that I want him could change, it should be his bad habit, smoke. You probably ask too, how come a preacher smoke? That is the difficult part that he is still fighting for, to change it. Yeah I hope he can stay away from cigarettes, stop smoking totally. Maybe someday…

Waikabubak, March 19, 2012