Herzlich Willkommen

"Life isn't about being old or having more problem. It's about growing to see this life from a better view coz GOD bless you more"

So...Enjoy your LIFE...

I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.

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ΩMega Ticket

Monday, August 25, 2008

Iklan Politik : Penting Yach???!!

G bingung lihat iklan2 di TV sekarang, all about para pemimpin pamer kepintaran, kehebatan, kekayaan, dll. Berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarin buat iklan2 tersebut??? bagus sich iklan2nya menunjukkan betapa kayanya Indonesia, betapa pintarnya Indonesia tapi apa pernah mikir kalau sebenarnya lagi pada obral janji2??!!! udah capek kaleee rakyat ini diiming-imingin janji2 doang alias OMDO!!! rakyat sekarang udah pintar kaleeee, ga butuh janji2, cuma butuh realisasinya aja, seandainya uang iklan sebanyak itu dipake buat mencukupi kebutuhan rakyat jelata yang tiap hari masih harus kerja keras demi sesuap makanan, korban gusuran, korban bencana, dll. Dimana hati nurani mu??? iya seccccchhhhhhh duit2 loe, mo pakai yach suka2 loe tapi apa benar duit u? :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Indonesia Independence Days???

A few days ago on August 17, we were celebrating Indonesia Independence Days. I always asking myself, is it Indonesia really get the independence? We are truly free from Japan or Dutch colonizes in 1945 but today I see that Indonesia not free from poor, human rights, speak, corrupt, etc.

I think in every place in Indonesia we will found the Red-White flag, every body start to make this day so wonderful with games, party, etc it’s OK but have you ever thinking or imagine how our patriots fight against the colonizes to defend this country with give their life, goods, blood, etc??? I just watching TV about one of our patriot which still alive, too old for working with sell the bananas around his home because he’s never get the appreciation from government but he’s never give up. How come I always asking myself that I want to give up if this old man do everything by him?

I was watching Beijing Olympiad on TV August 16, 2008. I am speechless that Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan finally get the first gold medal for Indonesia in Badminton, for the first time we hear the Indonesia anthem and our flag on top in this Olympiad, really proud, just want to cry, two thumbs for Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan. I think this is the best gift for Indonesia Independence Day. What a wonderful job Guys!!! Thanks to Maria Kristin too for the bronze medal, you do a great job Girl!!! Thanks to all Indonesia athletes who’s fight in Beijing.

Finally thanks to all Heroes who’s serving this country with your own way!!!

M E R D E K A!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bank Cape Antri

G ga tahu kenapa setiap ke atm nich bank pasti antriannya paling panjang, padahal counter atmnya paling banyak dibanding bank lain, ke kantornya jg teteuppppppppp aja antri, ga cuma itu parkirannya pun ikut ngantri sampe menyebabkan kemacetan di jalan umum....hmmmmmm apa karena nasabahnya udah terlalu banyak??? saking banyaknya jadi 'Cape' antri??? heuehuehe. Kenapa ga pakai internet banking aja??? udah kaleeeee......ya tetap aja kita butuh duit tunai kan?? emangnya semua pembayaran bisa pake debit/kredit/flash card??? :P :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3 IN 1

Kemarin g ada meeting di Wisma BNI pukul 10.00 AM, perjalanan dari BSD menuju Jakarta kami mulai pukul 08.45 AM dan tiba di sana 09.30 AM, melewati tol Bintaro lalu keluar di Tanah Kusir, karena dalam mobil bertiga maka kami bisa melewati jalur 3 in 1 di Sudirman....wowwwwwww serasa jalan milik sendiri...sepi banget ....enaknya...nyamannya...no traffic jam ...seandainya Jakarta bisa seperti itu terus...bayangkan berapa banyak penghematan yang sudah dilakukan...hemat time, energy, cost...
Kapan yach??? Tanya kenapa???:) :) :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

nnnThe City Tower

3 days in The City Tower (TCT) from 060808 until 080808 to do HSB (Half-height Sensor Barrier) installation...really makes me tired...start working at noon then go home at dawn...but it's an exciting experience, learn many things. We have friend from KJK Malaysia which call Annuar... one thing we remember about him is 'IYES'...good friend from Malaysia.
BTW... because we go home at dawn and through Taman Lawang Street, we saw the transvestite at the street huahuuahuhauhuaha how they choose to live like that???

Here is the picture taken from TCT when we do the installation.

Before the HSB Installation

HSB Installed

Annuar tools...can we have it??? :) I just remember which called 'Wago' :)

The Controller

The Wiring

The HSB connect to EXOS DML

My Installation.......... That's MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Demas, Annuar and Tomy Installations

Om Oki Installation.
That is the Project Leader.

I think Mr. Jadi want to show his money in his wallet heuehuheueh

Ini lagi mo ngapain yach? bingung.......... pegangan katanya kalau bingung hahahahah

Kita lagi ngomong apa sich?? penting yach???

Thano models In action...dengan wajah2 lesu, capek, kelaparan wkwkwkw

Thano models and Annuar

So Sexi or Sok Sexi???

Awas KACA woiiiiiiii!!! masih aja NArzizzzzzzzzzzzzz............... wkwkwkwkkw

Dinner at .... dimana yach?? g lupa :P tapi yang pasti khas Jawa Timur ... closed to Ibis Thamarin and Arkadia Hotel

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Oh my ...oh my... sumpe g ngantuk banget...ga konsen jawab email orang...need to sleep tapi kerjaan numpuk...kapan g bisa cuti yachhhhh??? jalan2 ke pantai...makan enak...tidur cukup...main yang banyak...tinggal di resort...berjemur...fuiiiiiiiihhhhhhh ini nich kalau udah ngimpi...udah ah lanjut kerja....OK Lanjuttttttttt..........

Friday, August 1, 2008

Say It Again

G lg senang banget nich dengerin lagu2 dari Smallville Season 7 khususnya Ep. Fracture...keyennnnnn banget lagunya, suaranya jg keyennnnn boooo. Judulnya 'Say It Again' yang dinyayikan ma Marie Digby. Here is the lyric :

"Say It Again"

Thing about love, is I never saw it coming
You kinda crept up into me by surprise
And now there's a voice inside my heart that's got me wondering
Is this true? I wanna hear it one more time

Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Get just a litter louder
Say it again for me
Cause I love the way it feels when you are telling me that i'm the only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world starts to listen when you tell me you're in love
Say it again

The thing about you is you know just how to get me
You talk about us like there's no end in sight
The thing about me is that I really wanna let you open the door and walk into my life

Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Get just a litter louder
Say it again for me
Cause I love the way it feels when you are telling me that i'm the only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world starts to listen when you tell me you're in love

And it feels like it's the first time
That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain
And never in my whole life
Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name

Say it again for me
Cause I love the way it feels when you are telling me that i'm the only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world starts to listen when you tell me you're in love

Say it again
Say it again
Say it again

Say it again
Say it again
Say it again

Say it again
Say it again
Say it again

When you tell me you're in love

Say it again